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Pardelas – The 16 best products compared

Comparison winner of the editors Par-delà nature et culture

Pardelas – The 16 best products compared

Recommended products regarding the topic “Pardelas”

We have compared products in the section “Pardelas”. Here you can find the top 16 in the category “Pardelas”.

Pardelas – the most important at a glance

“Pardelas” refers to a group of birds popularly known as shearwaters. These marine birds, from the petrel family, are known for their remarkable flying ability, often gliding just above the water surface. One notable species of the Pardelas is the Short-tailed Shearwater, native to the waters around Australia and known for its extensive yearly migrations. Another notable species is the Flesh-footed Shearwater, recognized by its pink, fleshy feet. Differences between the species range in sizes and colors, with some having dark plumage while others are light, and their vocal sounds during breeding season. Environmental factors influence where each species resides, making certain types of Pardelas more prevalent in specific geographical regions.

Bestsellers in “Pardelas”

A list of bestsellers under the category “Pardelas” you can find here. Here you can see which products other users have bought especially often.

Bestseller No. 1
Par-delà nature et culture
  • Descola, Philippe (Author)
  • French (Publication Language)
  • 640 Pages - 09/15/2005 (Publication Date) - GALLIMARD (Publisher)
Bestseller No. 2
Par-delà le bien et le mal: (Traduction complète) (French Edition)
  • Nietzsche, Friedrich (Author)
  • French (Publication Language)
  • 168 Pages - 10/11/2022 (Publication Date) - Independently published (Publisher)
Bestseller No. 3
Par-delà le Monde, Je t'aimerai: Un voyage vers le bonheur de l'instant présent, la joie intérieure et... Le véritable Amour. (French Edition)
  • Payan, Nicolas (Author)
  • French (Publication Language)
  • 286 Pages - 06/27/2023 (Publication Date) - Independently published (Publisher)
Bestseller No. 4
PAR-DELÀ LE DEUIL: VERS UN NOUVEAU CHAPITRE DE LA VIE (Développement personnel) (French Edition)
  • Amazon Kindle Edition
  • BENAK (Author)
  • French (Publication Language)
  • 164 Pages - 12/15/2024 (Publication Date)
Bestseller No. 5
Par-delà les nuages (livre pop'up)
  • French (Publication Language)
  • 16 Pages - 11/26/2014 (Publication Date) - GAUTIER LANGU. (Publisher)
Bestseller No. 6
Par-delà le crime et le châtiment: Essai pour surmonter l'insurmontable
  • Améry, Jean (Author)
  • French (Publication Language)
  • 224 Pages - 02/07/2005 (Publication Date) - ACTES SUD (Publisher)
Bestseller No. 7
L’Âme délivrée: Un voyage par-delà vous-même (French Edition)
  • Amazon Kindle Edition
  • Singer, Michael A. (Author)
  • French (Publication Language)
  • 198 Pages - 12/05/2013 (Publication Date) - Éditions AdA (Publisher)
Bestseller No. 8
Les méandres des âmes: Romance MM (Par-delà les mots t. 1) (French Edition)
  • Amazon Kindle Edition
  • T. Higg, Elinna (Author)
  • French (Publication Language)
  • 364 Pages - 10/25/2023 (Publication Date)
Bestseller No. 9
Par-delà le ciel
  • French (Subtitle)
  • French (Publication Language)
Bestseller No. 10
Dragons - Par-delà les rives - Saison 2
  • Dutch, French, German (Subtitles)

Our Winner:

Winner in comparison
Par-delà nature et culture
  • Descola, Philippe (Author)
  • French (Publication Language)
  • 640 Pages - 09/15/2005 (Publication Date) - GALLIMARD (Publisher)

Current offers for “Pardelas”

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